Want To Know What It's Like To Work With Miriam?

Discover what just a few of what Miriam’s clients are saying..

“For those who have not yet attended Sacred Circle with Miriam Brewer ~ my invitation is that you make space to attend at least one in your ten week journey. After that you can feel into when you are called to lean into Sacred Circle. I know this morning I was called to attend. ⭕️

I personally have a big clearing conversation to have with someone this week and Sacred Circle this morning was my permission to express all of my “not socially acceptable” thoughts and feelings, and be witnessed in them. I feel more confident, grounded, calm and less energetically charged for the conversation that is to come.

Thank you Miriam Miracle Brewer 🦋 x” ~ Bec Antonucci

“#sacredcircle I attended this weekend and it’s coming to me why this circle is so powerful. It gave me permission to go places I wasn’t willing to take myself. After the circle, it gave me the courage to go deeper into my healing and was able to let go a lot of stuff through the self-guided module 1 assignment of clearing. Thank you Miriam Brewer.” ~ Overjoyed client

“Had such a wonderful clarifying conversation w/ Miriam Brewer around the parameters of the container, the importance of everyone holding them in order for the space to feel safe to say ANYTHING. Including staying present the whole time, not having others in the room, and making sure to ask consent before speaking IN ANY WAY about what someone has shared (which I broke the rule on in these comments by referencing her own expression w/o consent) But I’m SO HAPPY I did. I feel so much clearer about how we hold the container in integrity and why. And how EASY it can be for us to not realize our own sloppiness in relationship to something that is to be treated as TRULY SACRED. Sacred conversation indeed. I fucking love you Miriam! You’re such a sweet n spicy blessing!” ~ Overjoyed client

“I didn’t want to show up to Sacred Circle ⭕️

I noticed my excuses rise to the surface as I didn’t want to face up with the stress that was present in my body.

I didn’t want to speak the truth of what I was feeling, instead I wanted to dive into avoidance strategies so I could stay safe in what’s familiar.

Yet, I did. And within moments I cleared everything that I was hanging onto this morning.

You see, we cannot go into the places with our clients that we are not willing to go into for ourselves.

Sacred circle gives me an opportunity to be seen, fully held, open and honest.

Sometimes it’s a celebration, and others, like today, it’s being present to the heartbreak that exists.

Thanks Miriam Brewer. I appreciate you and all that you do for the KaBOOM community and this world.” ~ Adam C.

“Oh Miriam
My circle was so beautiful
I was so anxious leading up to it, having to show up & be seen lol
The feedback was they came because they were attracted to me, my energy, my calmness, wanted to learn more about themselves, their feminine energy. They were engaged, were vulnerable. It was so beautiful! I feel so proud of myself 💖” ~ Overjoyed client

“SACRED CIRCLE just gone – when asked to share something we’ve never shared publicly…

Thank you Miriam Brewer 😍🥰 I feel like I’ve unpacked a heap of constipated crap!

Highly recommend sacred circle.
Go deep. Be free.” ~ Sarah G

“Miriam Brewer is the boss, the glue, the light, I honor you and our friendship. ” ~ Overjoyed client

“Miriam Brewer your space holding, diving deeper than I could imagine with the people you helped coach + the sacred circle I got to be a part of one time were all so magical. Your posts + comments inspired me to play more. I am truly letting my child play so much more. I might be playing more than I’m working but I’m ok with that for now. Spirit knows what I need and will provide.” ~ Overjoyed client

“Went to Sacred Circle and released something I’d been carrying for SIX YEARS. Thank you, Miriam, and all who witnessed, I know it was intense.

What a GIFT the sacred circle is. Touching the bottom of the well of the anger, grief, sadness and rage was like shining a beautiful warm radiant light upon that ball of density. As the light penetrated the density, it all unravelled, dissolved and evaporated. Leaving only the ecstatic serenity of pure presence. The pure state of love that we exist as and which flows through us infinitely. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Miriam Brewer and Andres Valencia and all the incredible souls who held the walls of that container of PURE LOVE.” ~ Overjoyed client

“Ugh, I despise Sacred Circle! 😂🙈

Today’s Sacred Circle was something I had been dreading since over a year ago when I attended my first and only one.

I have a lot to heal around being seen and entering today with palms sweaty and ice cold, my whole body shaking and my heart beating out of my chest brought awareness around how much that part is still with me. AND I showed up anyway.

I stayed even when I caught my mind making a million excuses as to why I didn’t need to be there and how easy it would be to just leave.

I think I cried the entire hour.

Thank you to everyone who showed up in vulnerabilty and held space for my broken parts……which are really just my healing parts.

I know this isn’t a primary part of the program and not everyone goes to it but for me, I think this is going to be one of my biggest spaces for growth.

And thank you to Miriam Brewer for creating and holding such a beautifully safe space for all to feel held and seen. ❤” ~ Overjoyed Client